Jianting Zhao is an Azavea Summer of Maps Fellow and is working with Crowd2Map to analyse the cases of Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) by location in Tanzania.

Azavea is an award winning software development, analysis and visualisation firm that applies Geospatial technology for civic social and environmental impact. The summer with GIS background with select non-profit organisations to work on spatial analysis projects in this Crowd Sourced Mapping to Support Sustainable Development and help prevent FGM in Rural Tanzania” Project, Jionting will visualise how FGM incidents are distributed and what factors affect FGM cases.

On 22nd August 2017, Jionting will be presenting her work to anyone who is interested in this topic please join us on zoom where you will be able to listen to the presentation and ask questions. Link will be emailed to registered participants 24 hrs before the event. The event will also be recorded.
