As part of our Crowd2Map project, we are organizing a COMPETITION for local communities in Tanzania to contribute as much resources to the map as possible!
You can win a 1 st prize of 100,000 Tz for the contributor of the most mapping points into EpiCollect Plus that are accurate and valid* by 6pm EAT on Thursday 24th March.
Additionally there will be a 2nd prize of 50,000 Tz and a 3rd prize of 25,000 Tz. Furthermore, everyone who contributes at least 10 such points will be awarded a personalised certificate praising their achievement. And you will have the satisfaction of helping your community getting on the map.
*Accurate means within 50m accuracy; valid means a correctly labelled point of a point of interest (eg school, water point, mobile phone signal, dispensary, church, office, shop, etc – but not an individual’s home) in Tanzania excluding Dar es Salaam, that has not already been added to EpiCollect Plus or OpenStreet Map.
You don’t need any mapping knowledge!
The competition takes place through our usual EpiCollect+ platform. The app will guide you through adding each point, grab its location, allow to add photo and ask a couple of questions about it. Instructions for downloading, using the app and adding the points can be found here:
The points already collected can be looked up here:
You can collect any points that seem relevant to you, particularly: schools, dispensaries, shops and business, transport facilities, repair shops, water points and so on.
This is your chance to map your local community and ensure it appears on the map!
We will be using the data you collect in our 3-way hackathon on 7th May, taking place in three cities: Dar es Salaam, London and Vilnius at the same time, and add the points to Open Street Map!
We hope the entire Tanzania, especially the rural areas, appear on the map soon!
If you need any help collecting the resources you can join the discussion on our Facebook page, email us at, or use the form below to get in touch:
[contact-form to=’’ subject='[Mapping Competition’][contact-field label=’Name’ type=’name’ required=’1’/][contact-field label=’Email’ type=’email’ required=’1’/][contact-field label=’Comment’ type=’textarea’ required=’1’/][/contact-form]
Official brochure about the competition: