Switching ground mapping to Maps.me app!

Janet is currently travelling and doing important work on the ground in Tanzania- including mapping more essential points of interest, and interacting with our dedicated local mappers!

While there, Janet has discovered the magic of Maps.me app, which allows one to: 1) download OSM maps of the area to your phone; 2) mark points of interest (schools, dispensaries, shops etc.) directly on the map as you go; 3) upload the points directly to OpenStreetMap once you have broadband connection & log in with your OSM username.

Here’s only some of the points Janet mapped in Kibirizi yesterday, which I accessed directly from openstreetmap.org:

kibirizi maps me
Therefore we encourage everyone to switch from collecting data points on EpiCollect+ to Maps.me!

Note that for anyone participating in Mapping Competition in Tanzania, points added to Maps.me will count exactly the same as they did in EpiCollect+ – just let us know your username using this form: http://goo.gl/forms/CufyKMe576.


Here’s how you add a point via Maps.me:

1. Open the app and click the menu button at the bottom right corner.

2. Click on the  +  icon at the bottom.

3. Drag the map so the  +  location marker is exactly at the location you want to map; click Done at the top right corner.

4. Select the type of point it is (e.g. School, a type of Shop etc.).

To send the points you added to openstreetmap.org, and this is very important!

5. Click on the menu button on the main screen again; then click Settings.

6. Click on Profile.

7. If there are any “Not sent” points, click on the -> icon at the top right corner. You will have to log in with your OpenStreetMap username or register for a new one.

The points will then be sent directly to publicly accessible map, which you can check on openstreetmap.org!

Over 170 schools mapped in Mara for WomensDay2016!

hanks to the efforts of our amazing mapping volunteers during our Women’s Day challenge, we have gone through more than 200 entries of Mara primary schools, and 173 schools now appear on a public Open Street Map!

Current map of Primary schools in Mara region of Tanzania:

all after

“Before” shot – none of these schools appeared on Open Street Map before March 8th 2016! :

all before

“Before” shot of Bwiterngi Primary School at -1.89519, 34.66128:

-1.89519, 34.66128 before

Bwiterngi Primary School (-1.89519, 34.66128), along with 170+ other schools now located on Open Street Map, and can be looked up by name!  :

-1.89519, 34.66128 after

This work will greatly support the outreach efforts in the areas at risk of FGM and help take the girls to save havens, such as Mugumu Safe House.

All thanks to *all of you* who contributed your time and clicks on your laptops!

The effort will go on to map the rest of the Primary schools, Secondary schools and dispensaries in Mara, as well as other regions of Tanzania long-term! (Find instructions for participating here.)

So by all means – keep mapping! 