Putting Zeze on the map – a post by our friends MBONI YA VIJANA youth community in Zeze – paints a picture of the Zeze village, as well as documents the very beginnings of the Crowd2Map Tanzania, and how we hope to literally put it on the map. Why is that so important? Well, see for yourself:
This is how Zeze Village looks on Google Map at the moment: (marked point is the village market, -4.89913606, 30.0578204)

This is how it looked liked 6 months ago on Open Street Map:

Sad, isn’t it.
Thank’s to a fantastic Missing Maps initiative in the Kigoma region in Tanzania, Zeze on Open Street Map now looks like this: (A little better? But still…)

(Note, that neither find “Zeze” if you search for it by name.)
This is how it actually looks via satellite:

A little more than a blank space, eh..?
And we have nearly 20 points so far, marking its schools, shops and offices, to name a few:

… and there are many more.
Zeze is not as blank as the map might suggest, after all..?
Will you help us put Zeze on the map? Drop us a line below or reach out via email!