8 mappers in Vilnius, 26+ in London, 32 in Dar, 15 in Nairobi, 15 at Mugumu Safe House and many others online joined our mapping party last Saturday!
Thanks to all of you we were able to map over one third of the entire region in Mara!!

Congratulations all users who were able to map an amazing number of squares. You can also check your own contribution on roads and buildings here.
Thanks also to Polyglot and robert, who have been validating our squares so far !!
I’m not so good with numbers though, and frankly, I don’t think they speak justice to what we have accomplished during our Triple Mapping Party! So I am going to tell the rest of the story in notes and pictures instead…
Mappers in Vilnius, Dar, London and Uganda shared their progress on Twitter: See full Twitter day here and here on Storify.
Benedicto joined us from Zeze…

Great work, I am with you from Zeze village – Benedicto
…and Tunapanda from Nairobi! Thanks so much guys!!

15 of us learning to get our map on in Kibera, Nairobi – Jay
Girls at Mugumu Safe House took matters into their own hands and joined us in mapping all day!! Thanks to Rhobi who takes care of the safe house, IT teacher Irene, roadshow Emanuel & the girls at the safe house!
We are very excited to map our Tanzania, here with Madam Rhobi – Irene
Congratulations everyone who participated in the mapping! Hongereni Sana! – Rhobi
We ended the session with so much smile – Irene
More mappers in London!

London in action – Andrew
Happy mapping in Dar!

And finally…

Appreciations and so much thanks from the Safe House for great experience acquired during mapping – Rhobi